
Essay On Social Identity

Good Essays

Social media is often praised for its ability to connect people worldwide, but in reality, it is forcing us further apart; we are no longer individuals but are instead creating for ourselves a fake social identity. Nicholas Carr, author of “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” focuses on how reading on the Internet has made it almost impossible for us to do “deep reading.” In “Just Between You, Me, and My 622 BFF’S,” Peggy Orenstein looks at how social media has stolen younger girl’s identities, and formed their sexual identity. Chuck Klosterman in his article “Electric Funeral” sees the Internet as a breeding ground for “villains” who feed off our primitive impulses to draw attention and fame to ourselves. These three authors have powerful …show more content…

When Google was first created, its goal was “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” (“How We Started and Where We Are Today”). There is certainly nothing sinister in the mission statement, and undeniably Google has proved to be an essential and convenient part of life. However, convenience is the dominant issue at play here. Research no longer need hours to uncover; in as few as five minutes, one can have an answer, source, or image ready to absorb and spit out in whatever paper or conversation they might have. This is the type of fast pace environment that is negatively affecting us; we are conditioned to find our answers quickly. How many of us have actually gone to page 2 in an Internet search? If our answer is not given in the first few links, we rephrase the question in order to get the answer we need. We train ourselves to work fast and efficiently, and while that might be helpful at the moment, overall it is hindering our ability to think deeply about issues. This inability to think not only affects our research, but our day to day lives; we have trained ourselves to glance at an image or post, and immediately draw assumptions from it. Social media is designed to be simple and usable to all age groups, which forces us to simplify our posts,

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