
Essay On Rock And Roll

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We all know of rock and roll; ACDC, The Beatles, Duffy. The absolute rockstars, literally, of rock. But do we know anything before, or after the golden ages? Do we understand what has happened to rock and why it is so valuable today? Who started rock and roll? Well, that’s easy. Chuck Berry introduced something never heard before, the song named “Maybellene”. Chuck decided to have a nice electric guitar solo, as well as comforting tones that ran over the music with a small valve amplifier. Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and Little Richard were major pioneers in this area of music. They coaxed Rockabilly to become a thing. This all happened in the 1950s. Thank you, Elvis! Moving into the 1950s. The solid-body guitar was introduced (and sold) in this time period. This was the ultimate sprout of rock and roll. R&B, Blues, Jazz, Gospel, Boogie, you name it, Rock and Roll most likely had it. In 1953, Bill Haley and the Comets song “Crazy Man Crazy” hit #12 on the charts. At this point, African American rock artists were extremely popular, and making it to the top. The Orioles made it to the top as well with “Crying in the Chapel”. Many mothers did not want their children to listen to …show more content…

As disco and light rock fell out of the ordinary, hard rock and pop were picking up more and more revenue by the day. During 1981, the band Tears for Fears was created and began showing the world bigger and better ways of producing music. With their hit, “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” musicians started using more drums and more bass guitar to hit more crucial and emotional parts of the song. Tears for Fears were not the only ones changing music in the 80s, though. Metallica, Michael Jackson, Asia, Prince, Madonna, and the Rolling Stones became huge hits during the 1980s. Each with their own songs, and own ways of giving a message. Guns N’ Roses was a game changer for music with their heavy guitar solos, and “edgy” lyrics, as some called

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