
Essay On Return To America

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During the hurried, yet gleeful, disembarkment of the passengers aboard the cruise liner with luggage in hand and sporting newly acquired sun burns from the 2 week long voyage, she bided her time patiently along the lower promenade, watching the many American nouveau riche converged with their waiting family and friends prepared to regale them with their adventures in the far off islands of the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Up until this point, not a single consideration or doubt had entered her mind as the ship neared the States and thankfully, she remained resolved in her long considered decision to return to her homeland.
As the sea breeze blew her head scarf into her face, nostalgia took her back to the earlier years of her life, a …show more content…

Even though her skin was tan and her once mousy brown hair bleached blonde thanks to the western pacific sun, no one noticed her return to the States three years after her disappearance. Fortunately for her, disguising the wreckage of her previous existence was unbelievably easy when surrounded by people who did not speak English and had no idea who she actually was. “Goodbye to what was and hello to the new!” became her mantra once she finally made the decision to change her life irrevocably once and for all.
Striding confidently through the throngs of mingling people, she glided smiling happily to the outskirts to hail a waiting taxi to carry her and her two rag tag suitcases, the only evidence of her previous life, further inland to Seattle where her new life as a science teacher in a small town in western Washington awaited her. After the driver stowed her meager belongings in the trunk, Mika settled herself into the back seat of the taxi and when asked for her destination, her reply was a simple, “Forks, if you please.”, with her now heavily Tagalog accented

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