
Essay On Reading And Reading

Decent Essays

Throughout my life, I have had many experiences that revolve around reading and writing. In the beginning, my parents waited until kindergarten to start me on my reading journey. They experienced my siblings through their elementary years; they became bored easily because they already knew how to read, so they did not overly teach me before I started school. Luckily, that benefited me greatly. I grew to love education and rose to the top tier of learning in the class. Unfortunately, I do not remember much of my early literacy achievements, but there is one memory that stuck with me. I can still remember when I found out the impact reading and writing can have on the growth of an individual. During the summer after my sixth grade year, my family went to Disney World. Before we packed I had my mom help me pick out books to read during the vacation. She gave me one book in particular that she thought I would love. As a bibliophile, she knew how to research the best book for a light read—at least I thought she did. After everything was packed up and …show more content…

The book had been published earlier that year and it did not have its popularity yet. She explained to me that not every book could end with happiness. Some books needed to have realistic or saddening endings. I had her leave and I sat alone in my room. I needed time to process what I had just read. Through the rest of the trip, I could feel the impact that The Fault in Our Stars had on me. I could not stop thinking about how it was different from the books I had read previously. I realized that there were multiple types of books that I had never pursued before, which allowed me to experience something special. I started to read books that did not have a guaranteed pleasant ending. My writing skills increased because I was able to realize what was real and what was pure fantasy. The Fault in Our Stars allowed me to recognize a variety of

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