
Essay On Christian Church

Decent Essays

The present situation of Chinese Christians in the United States The congregations of the Chinese Christian church
The Chinese Christian church in the United States often has ethnic characteristics, but different Chinese churches often have special concentration in the composition of the congregation, which reflects the tide of Chinese immigrants in different stages. For example, descendants of early immigrants from southern China usually have their fixed church. International students from the mainland of China have the church which they set up together. And other "informal immigrants" also formed Christian organizations. According to Aihui Lee, she divides American Chinese Christianity into four categories.
The first category is the …show more content…

Because of historical and political reasons, mainland China wasn’t open until the late 80 s. Therefor, these international students whom from mainland China mostly were atheists.
Besides, I'm not implying that these people are hostile to immigrants from Hong Kong and Taiwan, but in the decades since the founding of new China, the culture and habits of the mainland Chinese are indeed different from those from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Whether it is based on the cultural background of members of the church or in the age of establishment, it makes sense to separate this two kinds of churches.
The three churches mentioned above are mainly using Chinese and Cantonese. The last kind of Chinese Christianity mentioned in lee's article was founded by ABCs, and they mainly use English in the church. Their members are not only Chinese but also other Asian.
The language of the American Chinese Christian church

The U.S.A. has been a zone of language extinction in which immigrant tongues die out to be replaced by monolingual English. (Rubén G. Rumbaut and Douglas S. Massey, 2013) People came to the United States from all over the world, and as generations grew, they developed to use English, no matter where they came from. Well, except Chinese. I once met these two elderly citizens in La Crosse's farmer's market, the descendants of the earliest southern Chinese immigrants, who still use their 'Chinese' to greet me. Although I don't know their "Chinese" but

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