
Emotional Transitions to Adulthood Essay

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Emotional Transitions to Adulthood

During the early part of adulthood major emotional transition takes place. At the beginning of the adulthood lifestage you begin to seprate from your parents and family and no longer rely upon your peers to support you in a pratical way- such as doing your washing and also in a emotional way, you begin to find that your parents aren't such a big fixture in your life.

During our early adulthood we spend alot of our time finding a partner and once we do we become emotionally attached and begin to rely upon our spouse for support as we once did our parents. During our adulthood we make the transition to 3 new roles- worker, partner and parent and must adapt …show more content…

Divorce is becoming rife, particulary during the middle adulthood lifestage. In 1967 Holmes and Rahe produced a life event scaleknown as the Holmes-Rahe scale. The Holmes-Rahe scale gives a value to each life event. DIvorce was given a value of 73 and came second in the table proving that divorce can be extremely unbalancing, leaving you feeling lonely and depressed. In a sense it could be considered that divorce is like greiving the death of a loved one.

In conclusion adulthood is a time where major emotional upheavel takes place. During early adulthood you must learn to deal with the demands of work, relationships and family. During middle adulthood you have to have adapt to change in roles and unwanted changes.

Social- Adulthhod

During early adulthood the social calender tends to be bursting with social developments. Early adulthood is a time when people continue and develop their network of friends. Leaving home is a major social transition as you usually find you have more free time to spend with your friends, which, during the adolescence lifestage would of being spent with your family.

Marriage is a major life evnt in the social calender. By getting married you are socially expanding as you are welcomed into a new family. You must also learn to get along with your spouses friends and colleages.

Having children in your

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