
Electronic Health Record and Epic Essay

Decent Essays

WTT2 Task 1

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WTT2/ C156
Advanced Information Management and the Application of Technology
Kelly Belcher
Western Governors University

WTT2 Task 1

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In the proposed scenario, a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) with a Post-Masters Nursing
Informatics Certificate has decided that the 100 bed hospital that she works in would benefit from transitioning from paper charting to using an electronic health record (EHR) system. She has done initial clinical research and has a solid foundation of best-patient-practice reasons that support this change. She has also researched and studied the information on the government’s websites, and pertaining to the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act and the Health …show more content…

The team is aware that currently they have a computerized system that they use for reporting and tracking labs, radiology and scheduling, but all documentation is paper based. They consider the price point involved with adding modules to the existing McKesson software vs purchasing and implementing an entirely new EHR called EPIC. EPIC appears to be user friendly and able to seamlessly connect all of the facilities under the umbrella of their corporation.
They make a list of some of the pros and cons associated with each system. McKesson has the upside of being a system they have already worked with and it has different programs that can be pieced together to meet some of the meaningful use (MU) criteria for compliance. They already have a working relationship with this vendor and some experience with the product. Once the discussion gets going, the team realizes that there are many more bad points than good with
McKesson. In their experience, the software modules are connected in a piecemeal fashion that makes it difficult for programs to interface. Quite frequently data is just lost and not retrievable.
There are different data entry systems for the different types of departments i.e. OR, ER, labor &

WTT2 Task 1

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delivery, Med/Surge, radiology, and pharmacy. The different systems do not allow for across the board data

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