
Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay

Decent Essays

Most Americans are confident on who they vote for during elections. With the upcoming election people have strong opinions that they stand by when dealing with the candidates. We as proud citizens vote because we believe that our candidate should be in office and in charge of our country. That is why it is hard for people to hear that most people’s votes do not actually do anything. The Electoral College decides the candidate for us without the public even knowing. That is why the Electoral College needs to be fixed or disbanded.
The Electoral College should be disbanded or fixed because this system is going against the idea of democracy. We as Americans believe that we are voting for a candidate to become the president every four years but …show more content…

The most recent case of an unfair election was the Bush vs. Al Gore Election. Robert Hall from the Sun Sentinel says that Al Gore should have won because he had 544,000 more votes than Bush, meaning that Al Gore had the majority vote. Al Gore still lost though because of electoral votes. According to Tom Landform, there have been 4 other cases like Al Gore’s where the candidate lost because of the Electoral College. This is completely unfair to the candidate because these people won their election with the majority votes that are needed but the Electoral College took their victory away from them. The public is a victim of this ongoing problem too. The public does not realize this but people’s votes are being “wasted” or thrown away. Tara Ross says that the winner take all system are “wasting” people’s votes. This happens because in an election the majority vote wins and all the electoral votes go to that party. This means that if a party wins with 50.1 percent it is equivalent to winning with 100 percent. This occurred in the Bush vs. Al Gore election also. According to Tara Ross from Democracy, Al Gore had 2.5 million people who voted for him in Texas but were wasted because of the winner take all system. The Electoral College is ruining the people’s say in who they want and what they want to happen. This system that America has is not working and needs to

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