
Effective Delegation

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Introduction This paper will attempt to show what skills are necessary for effective delegation, and how the managers of the author 's organization uses delegation in his or her management responsibilities. The paper will also attempt to show how delegation could be used more effectively within the four functions of management in that same organization. Through delegation managers combine task responsibilities and the authority needed to carry out tasks in the organization. The author will also discuss some advantages of delegation as well as the issue of poor delegation.
What is delegation? According to Bateman, delegation "is the assignment of authority and responsibility to a subordinate at a lower level." (Bateman …show more content…

The fifth step is to to schedule checkpoints for reviewing progress. This is done to make sure everything is on track. To make sure that no one is slacking off. The final step is for the manager to follow through by discussing progress at appropriate intervals. Delegation is considered a key aspect of leadership. To quote Woodrow Wilson "I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow." (Blair, 1996) This quote effectively describes delegation.
Advantages of Delegation There are also some advantages to delegation. These "positive aspects of delegation include: higher efficiency, increased motivation, develops the skills of your team, and better distribution of work through the group." (Blair, 1996). If there is an increased motivation among the group or team there is an increase in productivity. With the work being more evenly distributed throughout the group, the team is more efficient.
Poor Delegation Now the author will discuss signs of poor delegation. The first sign is team motivation or morale is down. If a member of the group has no motivation to work either
Effective Delegation 5 with the manager or the rest of the team it is usually a good sign that morale is low. The second sign is the manager is always working late. In these instances the manager feels that only he or she can get the job done properly. The third sign of

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