
Educational Leadership Lessons

Decent Essays

1. Using positive values teachers and the school faculty can aid the student’s parents in the formation of the student’s values.
2. As the article “Educational Leadership” puts it, “Becoming a warm demander begins with establishing a caring relationship that convinces students that you believe in them (Bondy, Ross 2).”
3. I would have skipped half of the school day because I would have forgotten to go back to school after lunch.
4. There was a math teacher name Ms. Rushing who realized I hated going to recess and allow me to stay in her class.
5. It became easier for me to have conservations with people about poetry, history, current affairs and other topics.
6. All of my parent’s six children hold at least a four year college degree with three …show more content…

To thing that I played a small part in her achieving something that she did not think she could achieve, left me with a feeling of such pride and fulfillment that no paycheck or perk could rival.

11. I started thinking on changing my dream career of become a pediatrician because in order for my even to apply for medical school I had to dedicated 99% of my time to study.
12. She may or may not have did research, but did implement appropriate practices and techniques
13. It was a good job, not to taxing and certainly full of perks, but it lacked something…
14. Education is the one thing that can never be taken away from you. Both my parents migrated here from Dominican Republic
15. My teachers also used Power and Identity.
…. in hopes of being better educators. “Day-to-day interactions are more important than formal questionnaires. A smile, a hand on the shoulder, the use of a student’s name, or a question that shows you remember something the student has mentioned-these small gestures do much to develop relationships” (Bondy and Ross p. 2-3).
16. Although history is taught at home and at school, it is taught through the passion of those who take it more than a distant, past series of events, but more of something that effects every individual today. …show more content…

28. I would of never imagined I would be in American attending college.

29. Dealing with math is never and essay subject to teach and influence into others.
30. However, I again had a different issue when I moved to the US, although we speak the same language, there are many words and phrases that are different here than in the UK, so when it came to taking my Masters in English Education, I had to re-evaluate much of my syntax and spelling.
31. I give thank to God for given me the type of family I have without my family I wouldn’t be able to accomplished my goals in life.
32. Throughout my journey with the education system I started to doughty myself.
33. All the girls in class were talking about how they wanted to go to high schools with good health programs caused they wanted to be doctors so naturally I decided I wanted to be a doctor too.
34. One day she read to use a passage about the midnight ride of Paul Revere.
Though I wasn’t the biggest social studies nerd but I enjoyed about colonial America.
35. I have extra responsibility to do good.
36. I just had accomplished so much which entitled felt so

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