
Eat Food: Food Defined By Michael Pollan

Decent Essays

Going to the grocery store when I am hungry has always been a disastrous idea. Usually after those kinds of trips, I come out with too much food. Those foods claim that they are healthy; low in fat, low in sugar, high in protein, and they have all the vitamins that I need to replenish my body after a hard workout. Thus, I usually don’t feel too guilty about eating them, and I tell myself those snacks are healthier than eating at the dining hall. However, I now realize that I have fallen into the trap of buying and consuming the “foodlike substitutes” of which Michael Pollan talks about in his essay “Eat Food: Food Defined” (9). Food, has a specific meaning to all of us; for some it is a form of nourishment, for others it is a cultural act,

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