
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Analysis

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The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde “ The battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man” The quote pertains to this story so greatly, because it sums up jekyll. Jekyll has both a bright side and dark side, it only depended on which one he wanted to make conscious to society. This novel emphasized how greatly the author felt on morals of purity and evil. Being that this story is created by a nightmare dreamt by Robert louis Stevenson, it has his perspectives hidden in every scene created. Jekyll's experiment to free his evil side from the constraints of conscience and free is good side the temptations of evil both succeed and fail on different extents. The lead to the big question, what was Stevenson's understanding concerning the essence of human nature? In this novel , Robert Louis Stevenson Gives examples that the experiment to transform Jekyll into Hyde to free himself from his disturbing urges actually succeeded in some ways.Shortly his experiment taught him that it was possible to live two lives one pure , while the other is free of consequence.”I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man ;I saw that , of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness , even if I could be rightly be said to be either it was only Because radically I was both” In my example this quote is a great example when Dr Jekyll finally realized that he could be good and bad and it was possible to

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