
Disney World

Decent Essays

I really enjoy spending a day at the beach. Nothing compares to diving into the warm, foamy, aqua waters of the ocean. I love to boogie board when the surf is full of action. The waves push and pull you like a magnet. The strength of the water propels you forward like an arrow shot from a bow. In the end, you find yourself washed up on the sand like seaweed. Then, you get up, carry your board back into the water, and ride the waves to feel the thrill again. The first time I ever experienced the ocean was on a trip to Florida in 2009. It was during the New Jersey Teacher’s Convention in November. My mom, dad, and I decided to go to Disney World in Orlando. My aunt and uncle have a timeshare there, so we used that for our stay. Disney World was a colorful experience. It was a cartoon come to life. Disney characters roamed the park and greeted everyone like …show more content…

Another wave came and pushed me down. I landed on my butt. My face and body felt the shock of being consumed by salty, sandy water. I gasped and wiped my face. I stood up, ready to try again. With my dad’s coaching, I mastered the wave. I rode it in and slid onto the shore victorious. I continued to boogie board, feeling more confident with each successful try. As my skin pruned, I could feel the shells beneath my feet etch cuts and scrapes on my soles like glass shards in a tire. After a while, the salty water made my cuts feel like they were burning, like walking on hot coals. My arms, chest, and knees suffered the same fate from sliding into the shell - covered shore. It was well worth the pain, however. My dad continued to give me side by side lessons on boogie boarding until I was totally confident in my skills. I felt like I was flying on the water. I have never felt anything so fun, free, and exciting. I couldn’t imagine spending another day in Florida without coming to the beach to boogie board. I was hooked like a giant tuna to a fishing

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