
Differences Between The Great Gatsby Book And Movie

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Some people say that books are always better than their movie counterpart. Others feel that movies are more enjoyable than books. They argue that movies make it easier to visualize the characters and “feel” the emotions of the story. Regardless of what some say, books provide the most information, or detail about a story. Books give readers the opportunity to use their imagination, learn backstories, and understand the characters better. This is the case with The Great Gatsby. While this movie is visually entertaining, the book gives the reader more information. One of the major similarities between the book and movie is Gatsby’s love for Daisy. Throughout the entire novel, everything that Gatsby does is to impress Daisy. When Gatsby shows her his house, he is bragging about all the luxuries he possesses. After he boasts to her, he tell Nick that everything is for her. Jay Gatsby also bought a mansion directly across from where Daisy resides. He purchased the house in order to “keep tabs” on her. Gatsby also argues with Daisy’s husband, Tom Buchanan, over how she never loved Tom. Everything Gatsby does is to make Daisy happy. …show more content…

In the book, Nick is writing the book in remembrance of Gatsby. Nick, in the novel, wrote the story about Gatsby. “I was Gatsby’s only friend”, Nick says this in order to point out the honor done. In “The Great Gatsby”, Nick is committed into a mental hospital for a problem with alcoholism. Some say that this is a portrayal of the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. The producer uses this to show that Nick is an unreliable source. This makes the viewer question the legitimacy of Nick’s

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