
Difference Between Civil and Criminal Actions Essay

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Civil and Criminal Actions 1 The Differences Between Civil and Criminal Actions Civil and Criminal Actions 2 Abstract Civil actions protect individuals rather than the public. Civil actions protect the people, the injury in civil actions is primarily towards the individual, causing no harm to society. While criminal actions prohibits conduct that causes or threatens the public interest, defines and warns people of the acts that are subject to criminal punishments, distinguishes between serious and minor offenses, and imposes punishment to protect society and to satisfy the demands for retribution, rehabilitation and deterrence. (Lippman, 2007) In this paper, I will discuss the …show more content…

The differences between civil and criminal actions are that civil actions usually involve private disputes between people and organizations. While, criminal actions involve an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole. Civil actions generally result in monetary damages or orders to do or not to do something. Criminal actions have jail time as potential punishments. Civil actions are proved by lower standards of proof by a preponderance of the evidence. (Lippman, 2007) Civil liability is considered less blameworthy, punishments are less severe. In criminal actions, crimes must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. The primary purpose or function of the criminal law is to help maintain social order and stability. Criminal actions almost always allow for a trial by jury, in which the verdict is established by the jury. Civil actions do allow juries in some instances, but many civil cases will be decided by a judge. A legal action for a civil wrong is brought by the person, rather than by a state prosecutor. (Lippman, 2007) The purpose of the civil action is to compensate you with money for your damages as well as physical and emotional injuries you may have suffered during the incident. The distinction between crime and torts is that crime is a conduct of shown to have taken place will result in a formal and solemn pronouncement of moral condemnation by Civil and Criminal

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