
Descriptive Essay On A House Of The House

Decent Essays

The nipping cold hits my face as I stroll through the woods looking for the cabin that I grew up in. When I trudge through the crunchy snow it makes a sound like it is October with the crisp fallen leaves underneath my feet. Up ahead I soon spot the cabin made out of walnut wood. It looks so magnificent sitting up on top of the hill with the sun beaming its glistening rays from behind on each side. As I enter through the wooden gate surrounding the house I recall all the memories of Christmases before that were made in this house. I remember the good smells and sounds from years past and hope that they come back this year.
When I enter into the creaky hundred year old house I see mice sneaking nibbles from leftover cookies that were made last year. As I drop my luggage to the floor dust fills the room. I realize that I should probably clean the house before I start unpacking. After I clean and unpack I go back outside to collect some firewood. While I am out there I get blinded by the sun that is reflecting off of the snow and I almost fall into the flowing river. It isn’t quite frozen over yet and the water splashes softly into the ice that is forming. As I walk back to the house with the wood that I have collected I see deer bound up to the river and start drinking. I stop, mesmerized by their beauty. The stiff fur that surrounds them shines in the sun as they drink the bitter cold water. I decide to leave them alone and trot back to the house.
The room is undecorated

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