
Denmark A Country Which Made Wind Power Reality !

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Denmark … A country which made WIND POWER reality!!!
With the increasing needs of energy and the decreasing non-renewable resources and the soaring prices of non-renewable resources the world is turning towards renewable energy for the energy crisis solution. One of the leading renewable sources that is overtaking the market is WIND ENERGY. Countries across the world are developing new techniques for increasing the output from wind energy. Few of the leading countries are China, United States, India, United Kingdom, and Germany. Huge wind farms across the world are springing up and helping solve the energy crisis.
The question has been thrown out many times if there will ever be a time that we can use nothing but renewable energy to …show more content…

Hence Denmark has surpassed the energy requirement has made sure that Wind energy fulfills of their electricity needs. Some of the world’s biggest wind turbine manufactures are from Denmark and that has contributed the vast development made by the country. Today a substantial share of the wind turbines around the world is produced by Danish manufacturers such as Vestas and Siemens Wind Power along with many component suppliers [2].
History of Wind Energy in Denmark
Denmark was a pioneer in developing commercial wind power during the 1970’s [3]. The concern over global warming grew in 1980’s and Denmark found itself among the countries with relatively high carbon emissions. The carbon emissions were relatively high because of the coal-fired electrical power plant [4]. Renewable energy became the only viable option for Denmark, this helped decrease the dependency on other countries for energy and at the same time helped decrease the carbon footing of Denmark and its residents. Denmark adopted a policy which stated that the country was aiming to decrease the carbon emissions of the country by 22% by 2005[4]. March of 1985, exactly a year before the Chernobyl incident, the Danish government passed a law which basically forbids the construction of any new nuclear power plant. This in turn increased the countries dependency on the renewable sources of energy. This law acted

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