
Define Wisdom Runs Parallel With The Ideals Of Stoicism

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Define wisdom.
Wisdom runs parallel with the ideals of Stoicism, which was first taught by Zeno in Athens. The followers of Stoicism believed that the principle of the world was reason, and this concept led them to idealize apathy and indifference to personal costs. People who are wise make sure to steer clear from making choices because of their benefits or harm to himself or others. A wise man considers the logic and ethics of their actions rather than the emotions they would inflict on an individual.

How does a society choose its morals?
All societies have different means of choosing their morals. In the few millennia that humans have taken over the Earth, we have seen a variety of morals. In the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, deities had a majority of the control of human life. Men were made to serve, feed, and learn from the deities. In Greece, a shift occurred toward humanism, and from then on cultures began to decide what was best for the human body rather than have their superior beings decide for them. That being said, a society will choose its morals based on where they lie on a spectrum. The people may look to the skies for their ethical decisions, or they may look around to their peers to decide what is best for themselves. …show more content…

Dignity is modeled by people who are worthy of their public respect. In the back of Julius Caesar’s head, he knew what dignity was when he gave to the poor and “turned down the crown”, but the Roman society despised the man when he killed one third of the population and left the people to fend for themselves. From Julius Caesar, we can determine that a dignified man is one who can respectably earn the admiration of his

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