
David Hume's An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding

Decent Essays

In the book by David Hume, An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding, the author states, "Our idea, therefore, of necessity and causation arises entirely from uniformity, observable in the operations of nature; where similar objects are constantly conjoined together, and the mind is determined by custom to infer the one from the appearance of the other." (55) Hume views causation as a nonexistent concept in the world. Rather, he believes that we are presented with one event next to another event, rather than one event caused by the other event. Along with this is the concept that there is no necessary reason for the world to be as we have observed it up until this point. For example, it would not be ridiculous to say that a car that you own …show more content…

They are not worried about dramatic changes in the world because they are beings of habit. However, I am here to inquire why it is in our habit to live as if the world will continue the way that it has for the duration of human existence if life is not ruled by causation. There may be an additional governing force that allows for the events of life to happen smoothly and continuously, so that there is no need to worry about potential disasters that may occur as a result of a sudden change in physical laws. As beings that are limited to a small space in the universe, there is no way for us to provide an explanation for the overarching concepts of life. From a ground perspective ther is no way to fully understand the grand scope of events that occur throughout the world, let alone the universe. Therefore, we may think, due to our limited perspective, that causation is a silly concept to pursue, however on the grander scheme there may be a force governing the events of daily life. Events may seems to happen independent of one other, however to follow the natural flow of the world, it is reasonable to believe that there is a universal connection guiding the beings and occurrences of ground

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