
Cyber Crime Chris Swecker Summary

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Swecker, Chris. "Identity Theft Is a Serious Problem." Cyber Crime. Ed. Louise I. Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Statement of Chris Swecker, assistant director, Criminal Investigative Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation." 2005. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.

To begin, this is a reliable source to use for my research project, because the author is a former assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigation Division. First, Chris Swecker explains some reasons how identity thefts can steal your identity, and why. Swecker explains how identity theft is one of many major crimes in the twenty-first century. Next, Chris states that identity theft has become an issue regarding …show more content…

First, this article was about the different ways to commit identity theft. Then it discussed what the Department of Justice is doing about it, and the consequences of committing identity theft. This article also provides recent cases of identity theft. Lastly, this article provides steps to avoid identity theft, such as the SCAM technique. This tells the reader what to look for when they are at home or traveling. This article also states that it is important to keep track of financial information, such as bank statements, to make sure that there is no signs of identity theft. In conclusion, this article gives many numbers and information of agencies, in case of identity theft. The intended audience was the citizens of the United States that can fall victim to identity theft. This article was very useful in understanding the concept of identity theft. I found this website by searching “identity theft” on …show more content…

This website contains many stories of identity theft schemes that have occurred during the fiscal year of 2015. For example, a women from Georgia was sent to prison for 65 months and had to pay a fee. This was because she filed over 180 fake tax returns. Unlike the other websites I have reviewed so far, this one is specifically about the stories of the different identity theft schemes. There are no biases within this article, because this website only contains public records. The intended audience is anyone that is curious about the different types of identity theft schemes, that can and have happened. I found this website helpful because it shows me that identity theft is a real and serious problem. I found this source by searching, “what are some recent cases of identity

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