
Customer Service Of Health Care

Decent Essays

Erika Wilkins 1
Erika Wilkins
Instructor Natasha Summers, MSM
Principles of Management 2213
26 November 2015
Customer Service in Health Care
Customer services is a very important part of managing ongoing client/patient relationships, because they are the key to bringing in revenue. The concept of customer service is to deliver outstanding services so the customers will have a great experience. I currently work in the healthcare industry and the company that I work for is starting to have training and meetings to improve customer service to our clients to help increase our patient satisfaction levels. There are some employees who strive to help the patient by going far and beyond their line of duties, and as others are burnout and feel like they just need to get the patient in and out without really understanding the patient’s needs or concerns. Unfortunately, there is a growing concern about customer service in healthcare today. The CMS has decided to start withholding hospital’s Medicare reimbursement due to the quality of services provided to their patients. In other words, the hospital 's payments are tied into how well the patient rates their services in a patient satisfaction survey. I believe it takes more than direct patient care to deliver excellent care to the patients; it takes employees behind the scenes as well.
In many business industries such as retail, sales, and manufacturing, customer service is a must. If the mentality of ‘the customer’s always right’

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