
Crusades: The Peasant Crusade

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The crusades lasted for a total of 195 years. There are eight official crusades there is one minor crusade known as The peasant crusade. The peasant crusade This crusade is the one and only unofficial crusade of the nine. It got its name because of it’s a lack of orderliness and military experience. Pope urban the second call the apon those believers to stand up against the Muslim Turks, to take back the holy land. Well he wasn’t expecting for the help he received to be ordinary men who had almost no fighting experience. The Europeans were bothered by this, But they were sure of their victory because God would be on their side. Crusade launched in the year 1096, April to October. The Crusaders had surrendered to the Muslim forces in their six months. They return home defeated and accomplish. This was the start of a trend that would last for the next 195 years. The First Crusade The first Crusade, if you could really call it that, was an aid to the Byzantine emperor as he was struggling to hold off the Seljuk Turks. This was all a front of course to mask his own agenda. Once again Urban the second rallied the Christians, ones with military experience of course, and ventured back to the holy land with ambitions to conquer it. The Crusaders …show more content…

Again the Crusader set out To reclaim the holy land what a surprise. The holy Roman emperor Frederick the first, Philip the second of France, Henry the second of England, and his son Richard had all made crusade vows. Sadly Frederick the first died along with Henry the second before settling off for the holy land. Philip and Richard continued on to the holy land. The fighting lasted for three years constant pushing back and forth between Christian and Muslim forces. In the end Richard was tired of going back-and-forth so I decided that a truce was an order he created a peace treaty that Saladin signed on September 9,1192, thus ending the third

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