
Cross Giblin Rosetta Stone Summary

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I think that the author of this story, Cross Giblin, was very effective in explaining details in the sequence of translating the Rosetta stone. In chapter one of the story he uses dates to tell the beginning of the story. For example "near the entrance to the long, high-ceilinged room stand twomagnificent granite statues of Pharaoh Amenophis III, who ruled Egypt about 1400 B.C. Farther on is a colossal head of Pharaoh Ramesses II dating back to 1250 B.C. And beyond it, resting on a simple base, is a slab of black basalt, a volcanic rock." This is very beneficial because it lets us know where the Rosetta stone originated from. He also goes on to explain that no one knew how to read hieroglyphics at the time of the discovery. He tells us that many tried but did not succeed. He also tells us that the Greeks decided to add some of their own definitions. …show more content…

He also uses dates in this chapter to set a timeline. He tells us on July 1, 1798, the city of Alexandria was captured by Napoleon's army, also overrunning the Nile Delta. He also adds that on July 21 Napoleon entered the Egyptian capital. In this chapter he also tells us that the Greek part of the stone had been translated. After the Greek passage had been translated, the scholars turned their attention to the Egyptian writing on the slab. "First they studied the hieroglyphs. Then they puzzled over the second script. They had seen examples of it before on rolls of papyrus, the writing material the Egyptians used instead of paper.Deciding that it was a simpler form of Egyptian writing, the scholars called it demotic, meaning “of the people.”" This chapter also tells us that the scholars got to keep the

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