
Critical Evaluation Of COPD

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The positive outcome of the acute treatment of the patient helped me feel more confident in communicating with patients. The patient commented on his appreciation of having the ambulance service available, in his time of need. I told the patient this was my first week on the road, and he said that he was happy with my performance. My paramedic mentor gave me positive feedback on my ability to communicate well with the patient. The treatment package contributed to a good understanding of how the therapeutic respiratory drugs worked and how quickly they became effective. I found out that COPD patients should only permitted to have increased oxygen levels for no longer, than six minutes as stated in (section 27 of B R O’Driscoll, etal …show more content…

I will analyse the prevalence of the condition and what the potential causes may be. My interests have been directed to pre hospital care and community lead treatment packages, which are potentially available to the patient, as this is the acute environment, which I will have contact with in my employment as a paramedic. The initial reading was to understand COPD as a chronic condition, what is COPD? and its prevalence in the population. The (World health organisation, 2000), states that one in four deaths in the world are caused by COPD. In 2010 (Vos T Flaxman etal, 2012), says globally there were approximately 329 million, which is 4.8% of the population who are affected by this chronic condition, In the UK (NICE, 2010), have estimated that 3 million people suffer from COPD, with more yet to be diagnosed. This information about the amount of people living with this condition was surprising, as I little knowledge of its existence. During the early 1960’s (Timothy Q. Howes, 2005), says the term COPD had been designated as a single term unifying all the chronic respiratory diseases. Since then the term COPD, has been sub divided in to three umbrella areas, Bronchitis, Emphysema and Chronic asthma, which are separate conditions, which I have been previously aware of as their individual conditions. The 58 year old patient who we visited, …show more content…

In the community lead pulmonary rehabilitation, (Linda Nici et al., 2006) says, nurses have shown their effectiveness across many settings around the country. (Griffiths et al. 2001) has produced a study that showed a saving in treatment of £152 for every patient treated by the pulmonary rehabilitation programme. Therefore, if a patient could be treated effectively as an outpatient in the home environment, this could enable the ambulance service to contribute to the referral proses, rather than taking the patient to the hospital for assessment by a Doctor. This would allow critically ill patients accesses to the intensive care

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