
Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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New York City, overwhelmed with success, money and image in the 1920s was drowning in corruption. F Scott Fitzgerald composed a riveting novel, The Great Gatsby, which follows the journey of several characters dealing with love, greed, confusion and lust during the 1920s. Fitzgerald illustrates the corruption of the American dream by allowing us to follow the downfall of Jay Gatsby, revealing the reality of the American dream. When a young, poor man finds himself with a rather large chunk of change, it’s a mystery how this man has all this money. The reader doesn’t know how Gatsby made his money until Tom Buchanan reveals it during a tiff with Gatsby at an apartment. Tom, upset he was losing his wife to Gatsby, blurted out “He and this …show more content…

In the Great Gatsby however partying, easy money and the absence of God corrupts this dream. During the 1920s God was believed to not be present. People believed God just sat back and watched things unravel. When a man named Wilson said “God sees everything” (160) someone replied with “That’s an advertisement”(160). A symbol for God in Fitzgerald’s books is a billboard ad for eye glasses. This billboard had large yellow glasses, blue eyes but no nose or face, named TJ Eckleburg. TJ Eckleburg was always present and watching everything that happened but that’s all he did, he never took action, much like God. Gatsby conserves many of his connections in order to maintain his luxury lifestyle. When speaking to Nick, Gatsby mentions one of his rather big “gonnections”, Mr. Wolfsheim. Gatsby explains “He the man who fixed the world series back in 1919”(73). Fitzgerald allows us to see Gatsby’s corrupt achievement through a false sense of pride. This lets the reader understand completely that Gatsby as well as the American dream are corrupt. When Gatsby reveals a shadier side of how he came into his wealth with Wolfsheim, Fitzgerald foreshadows a theme of corruption late in the story. Therefore Gatsby’s craving for love and money finally disassembles his life

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