
Corporate Sustainability Reports And Social Performance

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When thinking about corporate sustainability reports and social performance, apparel always seems to come into the minds of many people and for many reason. There are always discussions about sweatshops and the treatment of labor as well the far-reaching impact apparel has on the environment, from water and energy usage to chemical release. Moreover, it is difficult to discern if the issues are relevant to the clothing a consumer is considering purchasing and therefore the issue of transparence is also very relevant when it comes to the social performance of an apparel organization. Patagonia and North Face are two outdoor apparel companies that have many similarities in terms of views and importance of corporate involvement in society, however the two organization social performance are vastly different. While the organization emphasize many of same values, each has their own strength, weakness, and social performance scores.

Both Patagonia and North Face compete in the same outdoors apparel industry. Being that both firms are in this industry each places a very high emphasis on their commitment to the environment and their commitment to societal values. There are many values both organizations emphasize. The environment is one issue each organization have valued and stressed. Patagonia and North Face both use sustainable fibers, such as organic cotton and recycled polyester, while also innovating and creating new fibers and processes to reduce the impact of their

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