
Corporate Ethics And Social Responsibility

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Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility
Amanda Rabius
Hank Reeves Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the corporate world are very important. By understanding business ethics and socially responsibility, companies can develop and implement a socially responsible plan. Organizations are no doubt an assembly line of different networks that are both complex and dynamic in nature which face various conflicts. With this, a qualitative paradigm needs to be used in order to ensure in-depth knowledge and understanding of the issues and challenges among business practices and how they can be handled. The influence of leadership and management decision making in an …show more content…

In correlation, a recent business decision my employer made was to host, and honor, an Annual Partners in Business Ethics Conference for a second year to integrate corporate social responsibility into the university (UT - McCombs School of Business, 2017). This decision implies that there is a concern that being socially responsible is important to their organization and the individuals it serves - employees, patients, students or other abiding citizens. Furthermore, other businesses have become aware of unethical behavior of their employees. Research reveals a majority of managers have no tactic nor did they know about CSR or that it maintains a good reputation for the company (Bakos, 2013). Although, the initial obligation of a manager is to generate profits while making ethical business decisions - companies need to contribute CSR objectives by integrating the strategy into the core of business practices, management tools and processes. However, regardless of the opportunities, there are a few implications such as concerns about the environment, health and new technologies. While some people affirm the decisions in regard to business ethics and social responsibility should not be that problematic, the implications and results take weight in the decision-making process that may have a huge impact on local consumers, communities, and even global ramifications. Critics

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