
Conclusions and Recommendations The main problem for Kazakhstan students is that they almost

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Conclusions and Recommendations The main problem for Kazakhstan students is that they almost never speak English in their everyday lives. They use it very rarely since there are not a lot of opportunities to do that in Kazakhstan. Students who learn English attending courses and know grammar excellently find it difficult to apply it in practice and cannot even express their thoughts. The main language spoken in the classroom is not English, but Russian. In order to overcome these problems teachers of the English language in Kazakhstan need practical, effective and easy-to-implement methods to increase the use of the English in the classroom, to keep their students actively involved and to help students improve not only reading …show more content…

These methods generate a greater amount of interest and enjoyment than the more traditional printed material, which is usually used in Kazakhstan. They give students easy, creative and effective ways to increase their proficiency in the target language. Kazakh students can see the real connection between their lives and the language they study thus making the language personal. The target language becomes alive for them. This methodology is an effective teaching tool because it helps students to learn how to create dialogues and participate in them, how to cooperate and work in pairs, helps in building up their confidence. Moreover, it makes it possible for Kazakh students to easily use the target language every day. After all, these field–tested methods are simple, effective and based on recent brain research. Despite the fact that now TESOL Methodology is not-so-commonly-used in Kazakhstan teachers should try it out. It offers teachers a wide variety of methods and activities, which they can easily use to improve their teaching skills. By applying this methodology, teachers in Kazakhstan will add that “new twist” to their lessons. Moreover, the teacher who uses these methods helps students to relieve any boredom and awakens their interest in learning the target language. Therefore, teachers should feel confident using TESOL methods to facilitate

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