
Comparing Tang And Song Dynasty And The Abbasid Dynasty

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The Tang and Song Dynasty ruled China from 618 AD to 1279 AD. The Abbasid ruled the Muslim world from 750 to 1258 CE. The dynasties were both successful in conquering and ruling much land and many people. They made advancements in everyday life for those under their rule, some of which are still impacting our world today. The Tang and Song Dynasty and the Abbasid Dynasty are similar politically yet different socially and economically. The Abbasid Dynasty and the Chinese Dynasty are similar politically. Both shared a bureaucratic styled government system. Bureaucracy is a system of government in which the most important decisions are made by state officials. These officials are not elected representatives, rather competitive exams were held to determine who received positions. The positions were held for many years and did not require reexamination. The Chinese Dynasty …show more content…

They enlarged the civil service system in order to attract talented young men. The Chinese also established prep schools for male students to better equip them for the political exams. Conquered people were taxed by both the Abbasid and Chinese Dynasties. They allowed their captives to study science, law and art. Differences among the Abbasid and Chinese Dynasties were evident in the social aspect of the treatment of women. The Abbasid Dynasty’s women were spiritually equal with men and had a greater protection under the law. A women was given a share of her parents’ or husbands’ property under the inheritance laws. They had the right to education, had to consent freely to marriage and had an active public life. Chinese Dynasty’s women could not keep property. A married women became a part of her husband’s family and could never remarry. The Confucian traditional belief that women should remain inside the home was

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