
Persian Architecture Essay

Decent Essays

Comparing and Analyzing the Architecture in Ancient India and Persia In ancient civilizations, architecture was fundamental to revealing certain aspects of a culture, such as its leaders and their communication with the citizens. Rulers that controlled society utilized temples and buildings to express their power and communicate with their subjects. Cultures were able to express their abilities through architecture, along with their beliefs and the functionality of their society. Architecture allowed cultures to leave behind physical evidence of their existence and further display their ideologies, capabilities, and accomplishments. The exploration of architecture in ancient Persia and India reveals many correlations between the two cultures. Ancient Persian architecture displayed the Persians’ liberal policy, in incorporating diverse cultures, and their intricate designs, most of which, relating to royalty. Meanwhile, ancient Indian architecture exhibited close resemblance to Persian architecture, and the Indians also used their building as an expression of royalty and the power that the ruler held.
The Persians borrowed from other conquered cultures because they lacked strong artistic traditions. Persian architecture was known to include “echoes of Egyptian temple Gates and hypostyle halls, Hittite audience chambers, and Mesopotamian sculpted animal motifs (“Fazio”).” The application of outside cultural influences to Persian architecture signified that Persian architects

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