
Compare How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson Dbq

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How Democratic was Andrew Jackson? Andrew Jackson may have possibly been one of the United States most popular presidents, not only because he was a president that didn't come from a rich or wealthy family, he came from a poor family. Jackson was a very hard working man who earned everything he had. Jackson also wanted to change the country as president, he wanted the people to have a voice. (Doc BE) Andrew Jackson came from a hard life to becoming president. In 1828 Jackson was elected president, and as president he ran two terms.(Doc 1) Jackson believed that the Supreme Court, the President, the Congress, and the National Bank should all be controlled by the people, this shows democracy which is government ruled by the people. (Doc BE) …show more content…

(Doc 8) One of biggest issues that took place during Jacksons presidency was the expanding of the US. During the expansion, Jackson had many land issues with the Native Americans and their land. (Doc 9) Native Americans refused to leave their lands and eventually states started making laws to make the Natives leave their home lands. Georgia had made a law to make the Cherokee Indians leave their land, but this law went to court before it was pursued. (TB pg. 363) After the law left court, Georgia could no longer pass laws against the Cherokee Indians. (TB pg. 363) Some wonder how democratic was Andrew Jackson? Jackson wanted the power to come from the people, and power of the government that comes from the people is the definition of democracy. So Jackson was democratic, he may not have been the most democratic president, but he was definitely a democratic president. I think that Andrew Jackson, in many ways can be considered a democratic president by his actions that took place during his presidency. The first time that he ran for president, he lost the electoral vote, but won the popular vote. The second time he ran, his campaign theme was that he was “for the people.” This was the message that the American people liked and it helped him win the presidency. He continued to try to carry out that promise throughout his presidency. (Doc

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