
Cognitive Information Processing Model

Decent Essays

The main point of the article is how to include assessments into a career counseling session when clients are making decisions. The article strongly supports using assessments by showing only the benefits of using assessments. This is unlike the textbook that shows that some counselors see using assessments labels clients and that there is cultural bias. Like the textbook, it supports the idea the counselors have to select the assessment based on the client's needs. The article uses the Cognitive Information Processing Model (CIP), a seven- step process on how to use assessments to help the client. The steps include the preliminary interview, preliminary assessment, defining the problem and analyzing the cause, forming goals, developing a learning plan, executing the learning plan, and summative review and generalization. In the CIP model, this happens in the second step, the preliminary assessment. Unlike the textbook, the article describes screening assessments. These assessments are used gather information on the client's career problems, the level of readiness, and factor's impacting career decisions. These assessments seem to be another way to better understand the mind state of the client. This article is beneficial to the impact me as a …show more content…

Our textbook shows that some counselors believe that using assessments can have a negative effect but it never gives any quantities data behind it. They could give what culture biases affect those taking the assessments. Since the textbook talks about assessments creating labels tend to be harmful more information can be found how severe these labels on clients are. More research can be done on how to create more culturally inclusive assessments. Another thing that can be studied is which assessments are more effective. If counselors knew what assessments are more effective they could use this to better serve

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