
Coconut Oil For A Saponification Of Organic Chemistry In Chemistry

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Abstract - Despite most organic chemistry laboratories utilizing coconut oil for a saponification reaction in laboratories, little has been done to utilize an alternative, more superior, oil for the reaction. An extremely common allergy to have is to be allergic to nuts, and more specifically coconuts. When laboratory experiments are conducted using coconut oil it endangers the lives of students and laboratory personal. Coconut oil is also more expensive than other oils that could potentially be used in the chemical process. After researching alternatives, it has been determined that vegetable oil would be the most viable alternative to coconut oil due to its low cost as well as its fairly high reaction rate. If college and high school laboratories would switch to a vegetable-based oil instead of the more standard coconut oil, then students and staff with allergies would be safer, the cost for the overall laboratory experiment would be lower, as well as a consistently high reaction rate.


The saponification reaction is one of the most basic foundational blocks for any chemistry major. The reaction is typically around one hour and consists of the mixings of a fatty oil such as coconut oil, vegetable oil, bio-waste oils (used cooking oil), or other oils and a base such as sodium hydroxide. The set up for the laboratory experiment is very important, you need to have a continuous stirring vassal due to the long stir time that takes up the majority of the

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