
Class Action Lawsuits - Walmart Essay example

Decent Essays

Jay Laub
December 8, 2010
Business law I
Class Action Lawsuits

Class action lawsuits, sometimes called “multiple litigation lawsuits”, can be used when many individuals have been injured by the same product or action of a single defendant. The individuals can come together to seek justice when “their injuries have been cause by defective products, including pharmaceutical drugs, motor vehicles and other consumer products, and medical devices. Other types of conduct over which people have sued as a class include consumer fraud, corporate misconduct, securities fraud, and employment practices.” Class action lawsuits are most useful to individuals who by themselves could not bring a lawsuit against a large company because the damage …show more content…

There is currently a group of women trying to bring a class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart for gender discrimination. The case was originally filed in 2001 by six women who claimed that Wal-Mart discriminated against them by paying men more money and promoting them faster inside the company. It has turned into a group that could be as many as 1.5 million current and former Wal-Mart employees, who’s jobs ranged from greeter to manager. A Trial judge originally allowed the case against Wal-Mart to proceed as a class action lawsuit so that the courts would not be flooded with these gender discrimination lawsuits against the company, and in April the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit affirmed that decision. The Supreme court has taken the case and will soon hear oral arguments from both parties on the merit of a class action lawsuit in this case and decide if the group can sue as one class. Wal-Mart’s attorneys contest that “There is simply no possible way that tens of thousands of managers making decisions all over the country could have affected millions of employees in the same way, and that is what would be required for a class action lawsuit.” One of the dissenting Judges of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said that the group should not be considered a “class” because the women “held a

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