
Clancy of the Overflow vs in Town by Dyson

Good Essays

Australia in the late 20th century, was an important period when intelligentsia were seeking to define its nation and its national identity. One powerful communicator was in the writings and articles published in popular newspapers, which offered differing ideas and approaches on this subject. In this essay I aim to analyse two documents in the form of ballads that were published in this period, and to describe how they played a part in constructing an image that could be used to define the nation and create a national identity; in their historical, social, economic and political context.

Firstly, I will give a brief summary on each document. ‘Clancy of the Overflow’, written by Banjo Patterson was an Australian ballad about a droving …show more content…

The intent behind the construction of these legends has a few sides. Firstly, in an effort to gain a uniquely Australian identity away from British influence, it can be assumed that the authors were attempting to permeate Australian history with Australian heroes or, ‘Creat(ing) acceptable heroes that could give Australia a proud historical past’ (Study guide AUS 11 2009, p. 17) so that it could also be taught in schools and passed down through the generations. Secondly, by creating a legend that Australians can successfully associate themselves with and perhaps champion themselves towards, allows the discriminative writer a powerful tool of persuasion.

For example, both used evocative language in their descriptions to coax the reader into certain ideologies. The bush was glorified by making it sound like a place of purity and freedom. ‘And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended, and at night the wond’rous glory of the everlasting stars’ (Patterson in Readings AUS 11 2009 p.75). Dyson illustrated the bush with words emphasizing its natural beauty; ‘the blossom golden fair, streams up the gladdened ranges’ (Readings AUS 11 2009 p.73). This was in contrast to Pattersons description of the city as ‘dirty’, ‘uninviting’ ‘dusty’ with poor living conditions and the people in it ‘greedy’ ‘haunting’. Dyson used phrases for the city like ‘suffocating streets’, ‘sour and smoky suburb’, ‘maddening repetition’, and the inhabitants a

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