
Childhood Obesity Policy Essay

Decent Essays

One Health and Social Care Policy which I am going to critically review is the childhood obesity policy. The 2010-2015 government policy: Obesity and Healthy Eating was updated in May 2015 and states many ways for improvements to be made. The purpose of this policy is to try to reduce the amount of unhealthy foods children eat in the UK.

A key factor of health in later life is childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a medical condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. Medical conditions are not the only factor which causes children to be obese it is the parental/family influences as well. Family influences on children are a huge factor because when children are younger they eat what the parent’s eats which can determine what the child ends up eating.

Obesity in childhood happens when a child weighs over the …show more content…

The graph below shows the prevalence of obesity among children split into five equal-sized groups by household income level. The graph shows a general trend of increasing obesity occurrences with decreasing household income. For both girls and boys, obesity frequency was significantly higher in the lowest income quintile than among those in the highest. The figure below shows the frequency of obesity among children (aged 2 to 15) by equalised household income quintile: Health Survey for England, 2004–2008.

In Croydon, 23.7% of reception class pupils are classed as either obese or overweight, which is just above the London average of 22.9% and the national average of 22.6%. Of these, 10.9% fall into the obese category, which is identical to the London average and just above the national average of 9.6%. Similarly, a further 12.8% are classed as overweight compared to 12% in London and 13% across

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