
Cheer Competition Research Paper

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A hush fell over the crowd and all eyes were on me. At that point there was no room for error, it was all or nothing. I was ready, I took a breath and went for it, unfortunately five seconds later I had met my match, the ground. I must admit I am not the most coordinated, but do not fret because occurrences such as these happen all the time: track meets, cheer competitions, flat ground. I have a lot of experience with track meets and cheer competitions, and over the years I have noticed an absurd amount of differences and similarities, the most greatest similarity being; if you put in the work, success will follow. I work to be the best all season by running, eating healthy, and pushing myself. Pushing myself towards first place to be exact. I train all season to go to that final competition or final meet to seize the trophy, and take home the title. Now whether or not that actually happens is a whole other story. To give a little background, in both competitions you compete with a team. You practice with a team, you travel with a team, and you finish as a team. Teamwork will help carry you across the finish line or propel you into the lead. In a cheer competition you …show more content…

I am also good friends with the hot turf, the hard mats in the gym, and the top side of a hurdle. I have fallen more times than I count in these two sports. My coach used to tell me if you do not fall every two weeks you are not trying your best. I think that was my greatest accomplishment all season. In cheer, falling is normally because someone decided to not catch you or at least in my case that is what it meant, but for track it meant I was not successful in pulling my leg fully over a hurdle, which would result in a nasty battle with the hurdle of which I did not win. Even with falling in both competitions you can still come out on top. You just need to get back up and finish what you started. And on many occasions I have done just

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