
Chapter Three Perfumes And Prophets Chapter Summary

Decent Essays

In this book, William J. Bernstein truly displays the struggles in trade that got the human race to the point it is at today, something that can easily be taken for granted in modern times. Throughout this book, the author makes the case that trade is a human instinct just as our need for food and shelter, as well as the fact that trade has overall strengthened our global prosperity (Bernstein, 18). Mr. Bernstein accomplishes his goal by getting these points across therefore effectively chronicling the evolution of trade and how it affected the human race. However, the author can at times drag on, in turn making the book a bit dull. The book begins by explaining the beginning of world trade, and starting with the first evidence of long-range trade during the stone age (Bernstein, 16 and 20-54). Following this, the author continues by telling of advancements in ways of transportation of goods as well as the spread of trade to the Indian Ocean (Bernstein, 16 and 54-152). Next the …show more content…

An example of this is most particularly evident in Chapter Three: Camels, Perfumes, and Prophets (Bernstein, 54-77). It is during this chapter where Mr. Bernstein's writing lacks enthusiasm while talking about the trade between regions and the goods that were being traded. He tends to drag out the stories which could be told in a better way by summarizing some of the accounts, as well as trying to make the stories more entertaining. Nevertheless, A Splendid Exchange, is a very informative book that shows how trade has shaped the world in which we live in today. Mr. Bernstein uses many effective sources to support his thesis and effectively communicates his ideas to the reader. At times the book seemed to drag on from a lack of enthusiasm. That being said, this book was still very educational and

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