
Cause And Effects Of The Plague

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Plague, also known as the Black Death, was one of the most devastating pandemics in the history of mankind, resulting in the deaths of almost 75 to 200 million people, and peaking in Europe in the years 1346to 1353 (Dunham, 2008). Analysis of DNA from victims in northern and southern Europe indicated that the pathogen responsible for causing several forms of the disease was the Yersinia pestis bacterium (Haensch et al, 2010).
The use of the term plague is presently applied to the bacterial infections that cause buboes, but in the past, the medical use of the term plague has been applied to any pandemic infections in general. A famous synonymous of plague is bubonic plague, but this describes just one of its manifestations. Additional …show more content…

Some people accused and blamed the Jews of poisoning wells, which caused a horrifying persecution of Jews. The disease spread fear and hysteria between people, who fled the cities in panic, abandoning their own families. Convinced that the end was near, some sank into corruption, while others prayed for salvation.
The consequences of the plague created a series of religious, social, and economic disruptions, which had great effects on the course of the European history. The Europe's population took almost 150 years to recover from the Black Death.
The disease affected the social life through marriage, the rate rose sharply due to predatory men marrying rich orphans and widows, birth rate also rose. And there were notable increases in violence and debauchery. The economics were also affected. An excess of goods resulted in overspending and it was swiftly followed by a shortage of goods. Plague also affected the church, it lost many people, but the institution became richer through bequests. Churches also grew wealthier by charging more money for its services, such as saying mass for the dead. And the failure of the clergy to help the suffering during the plague, combined with its wealth and the incompetence of its priests, caused anger among the

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