
Castañeda V. Pickard Case Summary

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Castañeda vs. Pickard • Castañeda vs. Pickard was a case that revisited the ruling and implications that were determined in the Lau vs. Nichols case. • During the Catañeda vs. Pickard case a father claimed that his two children were not having their educational rights met at their school in the Raymondville Independent School District. The father, Mr. Catañeda, further stated that the Raymondville Independent School District was not providing a proper bilingual education program for his children. • The ultimate ruling in the Castañeda vs. Pickard case was that school districts must offer a “…pedagogically sound plan for LEP students, sufficient qualified staff to implement the plan, and a system established to evaluate …show more content…

Migrant Council was a lawsuit that filed by a group of public students who, represented by a nonprofit company, stated that they did not feel like they were not receiving equal educational opportunities due to language barriers caused by their limited proficiency in English. • The final decision in this case ruled that it is the State Department of Education’s responsibility to monitor programs for students who have limited proficiency in the English language. 1998 Unz’s Proposition 227 is passed in California • Proposition 227, also called the ‘English for the Children’ Initiative, was proposed by a businessman in Silicon Valley named Ron Unz. • Proposition 227 created a negative few towards bilingualism, because it called for the rapid assimilation of all other minority languages. In whole, the objective of Proposition 227 was to outlaw bilingual education. • Proposition 227 outlawed bilingual education in California, Arizona, and Massachusetts. However, Proposition 227 met resistance in the state of Colorado where it was not passed. 2001 No Child Left Behind is Passed • In 2001, No Child Left Behind replaced the Bilingual Education Act. This new bill was focused primarily on English Language Learners and brought about drastic change in both bilingual education and bilingualism

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