
Casey Anthony Case Study

Decent Essays

In 2008 through 2011, America fallowed the Casey Anthony murder trial extraordinarily closely (Rawlings, 2011). This case had all of the needed elements to create a one of the most notable trials ever conducted in such a public fashion (Rawlings, 2011). The trial was put on display in fount of the entire country, with every persons feeling strongly as to guilt or innocents, with the majority swaying towered guilt (Rawlings, 2011). With such a public display and strong sentiments, the level of anger that was displayed left no room surprise when a “Not guilty.” Verdict was rendered (Rawlings, 2011). The Casey Anthony trial involved the disappearance and death of a two-and-a-half year old girl, Caylee Anthony (Saferstein, 2013). A young mother who failed to notify the police that her child was missing and instead spent time drinking and partying, many times on video, before the child’s grandmother forced the issue of the girl’s location (Saferstein, 2013). Casey’s mother, Cindy, had requested to speak or see Caylee for several days, only to discover that Casey had been …show more content…

Garavaglia, 2008). The DNA results confirm that the remains are those of Caylee Anthony and the toxicology report was found to be negative (Dr. Garavaglia, 2008). The test that were not conducted on the bones would have determined if there were Diatoms in Caylee’s bone marrow (Dr. Baden, 2011) Diatoms are one-cell plants that are found in water and had Caylee drowned, as her mother would later claim, then diatoms would have been present (Dr. Baden, 2011). These Diatoms can not only confirm the cause of death, but can also provide a match to the water source that the downing accrued in (Dr. Baden, 2011). With all of this information, or lack thereof, the autopsies, official findings was, “Homicide by undetermined means (Dr. Garavaglia,

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