
Rinaker Vs. Superior Court Case

Decent Essays

Rinaker vs Superior Court case is a juvenile delinquency proceeding minors, Christopher G. and Huy D, are charged with committing vandalism. Minors were allegedly convicted with throwing rocks at Arsenio Torres’s car. Torres later brought a civil harassment case against the minors, which began the process of mediation in an effort to resolve the civil harassment action. Brief Minors, Christopher G and Huy D., were charged with vandalism and civil harassment by Arsenio Torres, because they pelted her car with rocks. Torres in retaliation obtained a temporary restraining order against them. In order to resolve the issue at hand, Kristen Rinaker took the position as this case’s mediator. Rinaker is a volunteer mediator affiliated with the Mediation Center of San Joaquin County. The Center provides mediation support services to defendants of the Superior Court of San Joaquin County. Seeks to resolve civil harassment actions through mediation. These mediation proceedings are not conducted under oath, do not follow traditional rules of evidence and are not limited to developing the facts. Mediators are expected to draw out the parties' perceptions and feelings about the events that have brought them into conflict. It also encourages parties to acknowledge …show more content…

Her hesitated caused the minors filed a "motion to compel witness to testify." The minors claimed, during mediation, that Torres did not actually see who threw the rocks at his car. They argued their rights to due process of law and a fair trial would be compromised if Rinaker did not o testify. Rinaker opposed the motion and argued that statements made during the mediation are confidential under section 1119 and protected from disclosure by the right of privacy. Rinaker suggested that by voluntarily agreeing to participate in the mediation, the minors waived any right to compel her

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