
Case Study Of Acne Vulgaris

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CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Setting
The largest organ in our body is the skin. It is vulnerable and more likely to become sensitive and irritable to external irritants which may lead to number of skin problems such as acne, pimples, sun burn marks and pigmentation. Acne vulgaris is one the most common skin disorder. It is a chronic skin disease that causes inflammation and blocking of hair follicles and their accompanying sebaceous gland. Most people with acne are aged between 12 and 25 but some older and younger people are still affected. There are different types of treatment that work in different ways. Treatment can be those that are applied to the skin and tablets.
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Definition of Terms The researchers defined following terms in order to have a better understanding about the study.
Acne Vulgaris. Chronic skin disease involving blockage and/or inflammation of pilosebaceous units.
Antimicrobial. It is an agent that kills microorganisms or suppressing their multiplication of growth.
Decoction. The pharmacopeial name for compounds made by boiling crude vegetable drugs, and then straining, in the proportion of fifty grams of the drug to one thousand milliliters of water.
Carminative. Relieving flatulence.
Gingerol. A relative of capsaicin and piperine, the compounds which give chili peppers and black pepper their respective spiciness.
Hydrodistillation. One of simplest process obtaining essential oils from plants. The plant material is almost completely covered with water as suspension in the still which is placed on the furnace. Water is boiled and the essential oil is carried over to the condenser along with the steam.
Minimal Inhibitory Concentration. The lowest concentration of an antimicrobial drug that prevents the growth of microorganisms that become visible after overnight incubation with

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