
Caroline Bird College Is A Waste Of Time Summary

Decent Essays

How much is college truly worth? Today we have over One billions dollars in debt just for education. Why? What's it's purpose? We not only spend our money, but think of how much time we spend or in Birds words waste just for education. In Bird's article "college is a waste of Time" she states her point of view that college is a waste of time, and backed it up from multiple studies, and also states an implication. Although I may not have agreed on every argument that was brought up, I believe that Bird did a great job of supporting her point of view and stated a strong thesis, which was relatable to her possible audience by bring in rhetoric tools.

Caroline Bird’s point of view is promptly stated in the thesis statement. Caroline’s approach to her thesis isn't directly in a sentence but in the title, College is a Waste of Time and Money. She believes that we spend too much money and time on something that is pointless to many, when it could be put to better purposes. Apparently, “Majority of our nine million college students are not in school because they want to be or because they want to learn. They are there because it has become the thing to do or because it’s the pleasant place to be; because it’s the only way they can get parents and taxpayers to support them without getting a job they don’t like” ( Bird, 1974 1). Bird’s …show more content…

Although up till 18, they have always had someone who is more knowledgeable helped them decide what’s best and guide them in the right path. With that said, at the age of eighteen, students are confused and still don't know what they want to do, because they have never completely made a decision on their own. Therefore, they succumb to what they have done in the past and listen to those more knowledgeable and who knows best, whether it’s what they want to or not, and enter the mammoth industry called

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