
Caroline Bird College Is A Waste Of Time And Money Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Summary of "College Is a Waste of Time and Money" by Caroline Bird
In the excerpt, "College Is a Waste of Time and Money" written in 1975 Bird argues that college isn't the right place for young adults. Initially, Bird implies that students attend college for the wrong reasons (217). The author believes that most people joined college because, they are pressured by others believing that college is the right place to go to (217). Bird agreed with the young adults of that time period and felt that college was not the right place for them. Some college student agreed that She even talked with students to prove her point that students are not content in college. Sol Linowitz a chairman of the American Council of Education said, “...a significant …show more content…

She believed that the time and money students put into their college education did not meet their outcome expectations (220). Caroline Bird explained, If a high school graduate put the money he would use for college and put it into a saving account by age 64 the high school graduate would have almost double the amount of money that the college graduate due to compound interest. Bird argued that some high school graduates found jobs faster and were already earning more money than the average college graduate. Also, she advises adolescents that they are better off with keeping the money they would use for college than wasting it on college. She also wants to convince parents into be smart and let their children invest their money into something that is worth it instead of college. Birds third main point focused on how experience goes far beyond a college degree. Caroline Bird debates, “...not all apparent that what is actually learned in a professional education is necessary for success”(223). She spoke with people have college degree career and she said they claim that they hardly use the education they learned in college in their everyday jobs. Even Charles lawrence said,

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