
Career Counseling Theory Paper

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Career Counseling Theories: Individuals with Substance Use Disorders The words “career counseling” and “substance abuse treatment” on the surface appear as two completely isolated areas, with little interconnection. Personally, as an individual in recovery from addiction, as well as professionally, working as a drug and alcohol case manager, experience has shown me that vocation is very relevant to this population. It is one of the primary goal areas in which I work with my clients on a daily basis. Many of these individuals have completed treatment and are looking for new ways to enter the workforce and provide for themselves and their families, while also battling past career mistakes and missteps. Furthermore, education levels have …show more content…

The CAVSE portion of the pyramid is the 2nd part of the CIP theory and imperative to the application of the approach. CAVSE is a process of decision-making that stands for communication, analysis, synthesis, valuing, and execustion (Bullock-Yowell et Al., 2014; Shoffner Creager, & Deacon, 2012). CAVSE in a way mirrors the Transtheoretical Model, in that it is a stage-based approach, that can be operated linear and revolving, or non-linear in nature. Communication represents the beginning, where personal reflection occurs and needs are identified. Analysis reflects a stage of investigation and gathering of needed information, especially if a particular path has been discussed. Synthesis involves developing a set of realistic options to move forward, while valuing narrows those options based on the client’s worldviews. Finally, execution is seen as final planning for and the actual implementation of a selected option (Bullock-Yowell et Al., 2014; Shoffner Creager, & Deacon, 2012).
One of the obvious strengths of CIP, especially with the SUD population, is that its pyramid and step-model mirrors evidence-based and twelve-step approaches that are used within the recovery process. The Stages of Change are often implemented in residential inpatient facilities to describe the levels of motivation for clients to

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