
Car Vs SUV Essay

Decent Essays

Technology has brought many luxuries to people. The invention of the automobile has brought convenience to everyday living. People use their vehicles to commute to work, school, home, and other events. Some people cannot even imagine living life without the use of an automobile. People have different tastes in the type of automobile that they drive; the automotive industry has made several different ways to commute. The car and the sports utility vehicle seem to be the most common types. The sports utility vehicle is inferior to the car.
The sports utility vehicles harm the environment more then cars do. It takes more gas to fill up these vehicles, and the big engines consume it as if they’re where no …show more content…

In addition, the stopping distance is longer considering the weight factor of the vehicle. Both these issues make this automobile very dangerous to the driver, passengers, other motorist, pedestrians, and small furry animals. On the other hand, the lower center of gravity that the car has to offer makes this vehicle less likely to roll over. There is also a shorter stopping distance for the car considering the weight of the car is much lighter.
Sports utility vehicles take up more room compared to the car. There have been several infamous people with sports utility vehicles who park in the compact parking spaces specifically designed for compact cars. Other notorious sport utility drivers have been spotted taking up two parking spaces. These enormous machines make it difficult for other conventional people to get in and out of their automobiles. Conversely, cars take up less space to park. This allows more people to park in the area.
Sports utility vehicles block the vision of the cars behind them. This does not allow drivers in the cars to be able to look ahead of the road. This can be very dangerous. For example, an owner of a sports utility vehicle is driving on the high way. When all of a sudden, an endangered chimpanzee pops out on to the road. The sports utility vehicle swerves out the way avoiding it. Nevertheless, the driver of the car was not able to see ahead of

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