
Canadian Women After World War I

Decent Essays

In spite of the numerous lives taken and wrecked in the war, World War I ended up considerably changing the lives of Canadian women, markedly, for the better.

Canadian women were being urged to stay at home and support soldiers by manufacturing various goods, because of their fragile and emotional personas. Considering how many men had left Canada to fight in the war, women had to adapt and take on new roles. These new diverse roles crossed many social norms and encompassed a whole variety of industries.

During the time, there was an impression that women couldn't manage roles away from their normal roles within a household. There was a major change from the traditional roles of women to roles away from their households and even roles in politics and in war. This helped to greatly strengthen the argument for suffrage and helped change the negative ways, people viewed women. When people began to notice that women were contributing just as much as men were to Canada, they were able to win a renewed sense of respect and appreciation from the public. This helped change people's opinion and attract more people, in favor of suffrage. Finally in 1918,

Women managed to organize committees to gather and make food, socks, and other sources of comforts as well as write letters to the men fighting overseas. Women even got involved with volunteer organizations including the Red Cross, helping to raise money for the war effort in the process.

The excerpt from Red Deer News in January

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