
Canada's Role In World War One

Decent Essays

Canada has been tested time after time, whether through war or with its own people, but it is because of this struggle that Canada has become the country it is today. Through World War 1, Canadians learned that unity is strength. Bringing people together to work towards a shared goal and to set aside differences, has proved to be effective during the war. While there was still ongoing discrimination towards those of different colour and gender, some of it were put aside to aid the Allies. Men of different ethnicities were able to join the Canadian forces, only if they met certain requirement however, and helped the army grow in numbers. Especially in battle did they move as one. The victory of Vimy Ridge united Canadians together and gave them pride for their country as well as the people serving her. …show more content…

While there were many issues, women were able to work at jobs that aided those in the war such as nurses and working in factories. They worked together in the war force and this allowed them to lead to Canada to

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