
Canada's Health Care System Essay

Better Essays

Canada’s health care system “can be described as a publicly-funded, privately-provided, universal, comprehensive, affordable, single-payer, provincially administered national health care system” (Bernard, 1992, p.103). Health care in Canada is provincial responsibility, with the Canada Health act being a federal legislation (Bernard, 1992, p. 102). Federal budget cuts, has caused various problems within Medicare such as increased waiting times and lack of new technology. Another problem with Medicare is that The Canada Heath Act does not cover expenditures for prescriptions drugs. All these issue has caused individuals to suggest making Medicare privatized. Although, Canada’s health care system consists of shortcomings, our universal …show more content…

At the end this plan did not carry out because the Premiers received half of what was suggested and the territorial leaders did not sign the agreement. The territorial leaders felt that Ottawa was being inflexible and that “the north would be receiving the same amount of money per capita as the rest of the country, despite the much higher costs of delivering health care in Canada's most remote regions” (CBC News Online, 2006). In addition, the deal had no accountability strings attached (Doctors of Medicare, 2009). Furthermore, during the 2004 election, the Liberals indicted the Conservatives of wanting to turn Medicare into a two-tiered system (CBC News Online, 2006). After the election, Prime Minister Martin assembled the first minister’s conference on health care. The federal government and provinces` `agreed to a $41-billion infusion into the system over 10 years” (CBC News Online, 2006). The agreement included “ $3.5 billion over two years in additional transfers to the provinces and territories, an "escalator clause" that automatically boosts transfers by six per cent a year to keep up with rising health costs, $4.5 billion over six years for

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